
Books By the Artist:

Painting Landscapes in Oils (North Light Publications, Cincinnati, OH, 1991)






Mary Anna Goetz: The Essence of Here – The Howell Gallery (JCG Productions, NY, 2005)


A Sense of Time & Place (JCG Productions, NY, 2009)




Goetz, Mary Anna. Robert Shultz: In Memoriam and Portraiture: Its Two Irresistible Forces – Artist and SubjectThe Illuminator, 1979.

Survey of Outdoor Painters, American Artist Magazine, October 1988, pp. 71.

The Richly Diverse Art of Mary Anna Goetz, Santa Fe Focus, July 1992.

Goetz, Mary Anna. The Impact of Brushstrokes, American Artist Magazine, November 1992, pp. 28 – 33.

Doherty, M. Stephen. Pursuing a Landscape Theme, American Artist Magazine, February 2001.

Doherty, M. Stephen. Recommended DVD’sAmerican Artist Magazine, June 2006.

Doherty, M. Stephen. Mixing Colors and Focusing Paintings, American Artist Magazine, Summer 2008, pp. 18 – 31.

Survey Books:

Painting the Effects of Weather  (Seligman, North Light Publications, Cincinnati, OH, 1992)

Basic Oil Painting Techniques (Gregg, North Light Publications, Cincinnati, OH, 1993)

The New Painting Course (Random House Publishing, Australia)

Water: How To See It, How To Paint It (Quarto Publishing, London, England)

Creative Oil Painting (Doherty, Quarto Publications, London, England)

Instructional Videos/DVDs:

A Field Guide to Landscape Painting: Techniques Revealed from Start to Finish by Mary Anna Goetz, 2006.